SELAMAT DATANG DI MODGTA48 Terima Kasih Atas Kunjungan Anda By Ainul Yakin


Daimler Benz 1886

Author: elcreador

in the file - [Game folder]\data\handling.cfg
Replace the lines with the settings with:
BANDITO 1000.0 2500.3 2.0 0.0 0.1 -0.0 80 0.70 0.80 0.55 5 270.0 23.0 5.0 R P 6.1 0.40 0 30.0 1.2 0.12 0.0 0.55 -0.15 0.46 -0.8 0.2 0.40 15000 00200300 00340011 1 2 28

in the file - [Game folder]\data\vehicles.ide
Replace the lines with the settings with:
568, bandito, bandito, car, BANDITO, BANDITO, 5, 0, 0, -1, 0.90, 1.10, 0

in the file - [Game folder]\data\carcols.dat
Replace the lines with the settings with:
bandito, 2,39, 9,39, 17,1, 21,1, 33,0, 37,0, 41,29, 56,29


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